How to wash fish properly before cooking

How to wash fish properly before cooking
How to wash fish properly before cooking

How to wash fish properly before cooking


Many people like to eat fish but do not eat it because of its smell. But eating fish is good for our health. If you wash the fish properly and then the fish smell comes out. And you can eat fish and eat fish food in your health and diet.
For this reason, in this article, we have shared the method of washing the fish properly.

In this article, how to wash one pound of fish properly. So you can use this method before making fish anytime you think of eating fish. After the process of cleaning the fish, you will see that nothing smell will come from the fish. You have to use three ingredients for this process.

How to wash fish properly before cooking
How to wash fish properly before cooking
Ingredients for Washing Fish

Salt (depending on how many fish are there)
1/2 cup mustard oil
One cup of wheat flour
1 cup lemon juice
Some water

The process to wash fish

First, you have to mix all the ingredients (lemon juice, mustard oil, hot water, flour, and salt) with the pieced fish in a large bowl with light hands. And leave them for about 20 to 30 minutes for a while. After this, you have to wash your hands properly a couple of times. Make sure that you do not get too much of any of the ingredients, otherwise, the fish will break while washing. And follow this process to wash the fish in your home, you will see that the original smell of the fish cleaned in a proper way is not coming.

Note: While doing this procedure, keep in mind that you have to use hand gloves. And instead of lemon juice, you can use vinegar if you do not have lemon juice in your house.

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